Friday, April 30, 2010


Hello, there. It's Shane again. If you ever wondered what it's liek to be on a Track team, it's horribly weird. hahaha......*serious face* but really, it is. You'll be running in the rain if you decide to join in the spring. You'll have two hours of none stop hard core running. EVERDAY!! Oh and not to mention the girls you run against are totally insane!! Some do it to get into college, and some do it for the fun. But hey this is only my experience. I did it for the heck of it, and now look. I want to sleep all day everyday. I want to eat my brains out, and i've NEVER been so prone to hurting my self EVER IN MY LIFE. But oh well....hehe


HURRAY FOR IRON KING... This book is, as i know, one of the best ever made. It tells of Megan Chase, a girl who so desperatly wants a "normal" life. Only to find out that she's the total opposite of normal, once weird things start to happen. Her best friend, Robbie, becomes super protective. Her brother's missing, and her mother 's hiding something from her. Oh and not to mention the evil Fairy Prince, who'd rather let her die, than have her fall n love with him. This book's got pack-loads of action, Humor, and DRAMA... as the Iron Fey series unravels...

Saturday, April 24, 2010


How many of you like Ke$ha??? *slowly raises hand*

Eh... who cares if you do or don't? i know i do. Her music is awesome. and some of the outfits she wears inside of her videos are, let's face it, Pretty cool. I haven't gotten her album yet, but i wish i could. It would be preety great. However, i don't think that it'll be something i'll play like, everyday. She's cool, but, you gotta know your limits....


Hey, It's Shane...

I just wanted to say thanks for stopping by to look at my Blog. I'll be talking about a lot here. I'l try to post up as much as i can, which probably isn't a whole pot-load of stuff.... ANYWAY, feel free to suggest anything to me. Post comments if you want as well.