Saturday, June 26, 2010


Okay, yes i am a little late, but in my defense... nah i have no defense. I'm into a lot of music: Hip-hop, pop, rock, techno... But the main one tocatch my eye is j-POP AND C-POP.... A-MAZ-ING! I was watching the one of a kind boy band SHINee; I can honestly say that I was completely blown away. I love them!!!!! Their clash of Hip-hop and pop is just mind blwoling. From their  first hit song Replay to the lastest amazment Ring Ding Dong... SHINee is too hard to resist..... LONG LIVE SHINee.... I want all of their CD'S...

And just for the record, KEY rocks, so hard!!!! He is DEFINATELY MY FAVE OUT OF THE GROUP!!! I mean they are all really cool... But Key belongs to me!

Friday, June 25, 2010


Hello people, Shane here...

I am currently in georgia. Crazy right? I was recently in PHILLY. But now i'm here. So far it's hot and really really spacious. Like for instance: The roads are long and there are only trees and concrete. If you suggest driving, I don't incourage that you do.... Being as though the drive can take up to 16 hours, if you are one to take a lot of stops (and i'm saying that you should), you'll be on the road for quite some time.

Anyway, Atlanta is okay. One reason, no one bothers you. I mean you've still got your randoms and the Others. Other than that, it's fine. NOTHING really happens. But what do I know? I've only been here for about a day...haha

Another good reason,would be the climate. It'sconstantly warm so you can get a good tanning out of this, plus the store rock. Shopping is a 'no problem' situation. So unless you like long drives, blazing heat, and shopping. ATLANTA is the place for you.


Family are always there for you, EVEN WHEN YOU DON'T WANT THEM TO BE.... although you don't like it, they seem to love it. Having family is the only thing that keeps us safe. But, there ae down falls to that. You don't ahve as much privace as you'd like. Yu don't get out as much as you want to And they always seem to be wherever you are. For example, you might be at the mall with some friends, and out of nowhere your Grandmother is spotted being escorted out by two police men for stalking. *rolls eyes* (You never know)

Being as though, you never really know how and where your family is; it's hard to tell  when they pop up. Sometimes, it could be when you're at home or when your at th park. But they're everywhere. And half of the time you don't even remember the people who say that they're your family. To sum it all up, it's all comes down to fam. You have good family, and you have bad family. whether or not you like it, they are all family.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

apple store!!!!

Okay like as of this moment, i am currently inside of the apple store. awesome! i LOVE IT, I TRIED THE i-PAD AND IT ROCKS I RELLY DO SUGGEST IT FOR ANY AND EVERYONE. And the laptops are too cool. i'M ON IT NOW SOOO, YAY ME! I really do love this store, hope they like me too, because i'm buying one of everything when i get just a bit more money. i swear the best is just never enough in here, always something better. Don't believe me? SEE 4 UR SELF.... HURRY the good stuffs great!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Pinch me; I'm dreaming (REALLY)

Okay okay okay, i know all of us have slept in class before.
(yes, you in the back.)  But the real problem is how to wake up. There are some simply remedies like screaming into said sleeping person's ear. You can also, hit them back one enormous time. Or you could just tell the teacher (lame...) But above all these remedies is, pushing them out of their seat. When you psuh someone it causes them to react fast. They'll be so stunned by the hand pushing them, and Dazed by being half sleep, they won't know what to do. Sometimes it's sad really, but you'll get a great laugh out of it. As well as a few good tips on how to wake the person up the next time. Of course it'll be even better the next time, because they'll be on guard, so when you catch them off guard it's hilarious trying to watch them figure out how to catch you in the act. But sadly, once they catch you..... never mind, figure it out on your own.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Camp stories

Scary camp stories... "Oooo"... LAME!!! Why do all these camp counselors try to make things so scary when they're not? They come up with the most ridiculous ideas and the kids end up getting scared anyway. You could put a stick on a chair and say a ghost did it and it could seem scary. You could put a replica of that stick in the bathroom and say it moved. I think it’s all stupid. And then the camp counselors try to make these stupid sound effects in the background like that actually scares anybody. For instance, when I was 11 I used to go to the library for a science program. (We got to dig up bones!!) The lady there, a teacher, once told us scary stories. One was about a scary chick who basically roamed the halls of the library. The ghost girl got locked into the bathroom and died in there; of course half of the kids were afraid to go into the bathroom after that. What made it less scary was that the teacher actually clicked on the lights and said “ohhhh”. This is a lesson to all you adults and middle aged, balding people. Stick to your old historical stories, it may bore the mess out of us, but still you do not want to catch your grandchildren laughing behind your backs. Cause we’ll laugh at it years later.

The weather won't make up its mind...

Hey it's me, again. Now, we've all been experiencing kind of a wake up call with this rain/sunshine mixture. And quite frankly it's getting on my nerves. If the rain wants to come through, why won't it just rain this whole season. And if the sun wants to come through why can't it just wait until summer. They can't share! Here's an example, take two old men, one is happy and one is sad, and they both want a bagel. They can't share that bagel, the sad one always wins. Since the sad is rain and the happy is sun, the odds of that happening is 1 to none and I don't like this. Maybe they should just go camp out somewhere else... And possibly let the clouds take over, the winds deserve a chance.

Friday, April 30, 2010


Hello, there. It's Shane again. If you ever wondered what it's liek to be on a Track team, it's horribly weird. hahaha......*serious face* but really, it is. You'll be running in the rain if you decide to join in the spring. You'll have two hours of none stop hard core running. EVERDAY!! Oh and not to mention the girls you run against are totally insane!! Some do it to get into college, and some do it for the fun. But hey this is only my experience. I did it for the heck of it, and now look. I want to sleep all day everyday. I want to eat my brains out, and i've NEVER been so prone to hurting my self EVER IN MY LIFE. But oh well....hehe


HURRAY FOR IRON KING... This book is, as i know, one of the best ever made. It tells of Megan Chase, a girl who so desperatly wants a "normal" life. Only to find out that she's the total opposite of normal, once weird things start to happen. Her best friend, Robbie, becomes super protective. Her brother's missing, and her mother 's hiding something from her. Oh and not to mention the evil Fairy Prince, who'd rather let her die, than have her fall n love with him. This book's got pack-loads of action, Humor, and DRAMA... as the Iron Fey series unravels...

Saturday, April 24, 2010


How many of you like Ke$ha??? *slowly raises hand*

Eh... who cares if you do or don't? i know i do. Her music is awesome. and some of the outfits she wears inside of her videos are, let's face it, Pretty cool. I haven't gotten her album yet, but i wish i could. It would be preety great. However, i don't think that it'll be something i'll play like, everyday. She's cool, but, you gotta know your limits....


Hey, It's Shane...

I just wanted to say thanks for stopping by to look at my Blog. I'll be talking about a lot here. I'l try to post up as much as i can, which probably isn't a whole pot-load of stuff.... ANYWAY, feel free to suggest anything to me. Post comments if you want as well.