Friday, June 25, 2010


Hello people, Shane here...

I am currently in georgia. Crazy right? I was recently in PHILLY. But now i'm here. So far it's hot and really really spacious. Like for instance: The roads are long and there are only trees and concrete. If you suggest driving, I don't incourage that you do.... Being as though the drive can take up to 16 hours, if you are one to take a lot of stops (and i'm saying that you should), you'll be on the road for quite some time.

Anyway, Atlanta is okay. One reason, no one bothers you. I mean you've still got your randoms and the Others. Other than that, it's fine. NOTHING really happens. But what do I know? I've only been here for about a day...haha

Another good reason,would be the climate. It'sconstantly warm so you can get a good tanning out of this, plus the store rock. Shopping is a 'no problem' situation. So unless you like long drives, blazing heat, and shopping. ATLANTA is the place for you.

1 comment:

  1. HHAHA, Your posts are crazy good. i love them. Me and my buddies read them a lot. You're new to blogspot right? If so, WELCOME! I look forward to more of your blog...
